Wisdom and Understanding

Job 28 is a very interesting and poetic chapter.  It describes the technology and effort humans utilized during Job’s time to find, mine, and refine silver, gold, iron, copper, and precious stones.

In Job 28, Job contrasts the human search for material wealth with their search for wisdom and understanding.  Most humans do not know or understand the value of wisdom and understanding nor do they  know where to find them.  Wisdom and understanding are far superior in value to silver and gold but any entity living or dead can only say “We have heard a rumor of it with our ears” (Job 28:22 ESV)

But God knows because he created our world and he simply tells us:

And he said to man, “Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.” (Job 28:16 ESV)

“Fear of the Lord” does not mean we are to be in terror of God but our attitude should be of awe, reverence, devotion.  Everyone understands what evil is because the Holy Spirit convicts the world of righteousness (John 16:8)

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