Is Christianity Anti-Intellectual?

Some might consider the Christian worldview to be anti-intellectual.  Why?  Because according to the dictionary definition an anti-intellectual is someone who “is opposed to or hostile toward intellectuals” and  the modern theories associated with them.  An anti-intellectual also “believes that intellect and reason are less important than actions and emotion in solving practical problems and understanding reality”.

Now Christians do oppose certain modern worldviews and theories but by no means do they oppose them all.  Also, Christians do emphasize faith as opposed to reason and logic in determining what is true.  I Corinthians 2:5 states our beliefs do not rest in the wisdom of men.  Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the “assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen”.

However, one can argue Christians are not anti-intellectual because the Bible constantly teaches we are to get understanding and wisdom. (Proverbs 3:13, 5:1, 8:1, 16:16).

“Understanding” is to perceive, to become aware of, to identify by means of the senses, to grasp, to comprehend the meaning of.  Proverbs is telling us to seek out knowledge and to make sure we fully grasp the implications of that knowledge.

“Wisdom” is to have the ability of discernment and the ability to judge what is true or right.  The Hebrew word also implies being skillful at a particular task..

Should not our definition of intellectual apply to anyone seeking knowledge about the reality of our existence and the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood in what we learn.  Does it matter if we different methods and arrive at different conclusions.  Should not we appreciate a diversity of ideas?  We all are finite which means our current knowledge is not complete and at times it is in error.  As a result, we need assistance in our search for truth.  As Christians we turn to God.

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