Always a Christian

Sophia Lee raises an issue that impacts us Christians more than is realized.  She asks:  For those of us raised in the Christian community, is our life is so filled with knowledge of the Bible and Christ, and are we so trained to follow Christian customs that we fail to develop a personal relationship with God? [1]

How many of us can claim a relationship like Moses had with God:  “Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. . .” (Exodus 33:11 ESV)?  Very few, if any, but that is a goal we can set for ourselves.  Reaching that goal is not easy.  As C. S. Lewis says:  “Till that word can be dug out of us, why should they [the gods] hear the babble that we think we mean.  How can they meet us face to face until we have faces”. [2]  How can God talk to us as a friend until we know what we truly believe, what we truly stand for, what our soul is like?  Webster’s defines friend as “a person attached to another by feeling of affection or personal regard”.  Friends have something in common.  How much do we have in common with God?


[1]   Sophia Lee, “Face to Face with God”, World Magazine, August 28, 2021, p. 40.

[2]   C. S. Lewis.  Till We Have Faces.  San Diego:  A Harvest Book, 1956, p. 294.

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