The Truth

The movie Chernobyl is about the nuclear disaster at a power plant in Ukraine in 1986.  The cause of this disaster was a combination of poor decisions made at the power plant during a test and governmental officials hiding defects in the design of the plant.  At the end of the movie, the head scientist states that the scientists were so focused on finding the truth of the cause of this disaster that they failed to consider how few actually wanted to know the truth. Everyone was more interested in protecting their job and reputation than they were in finding the root cause of the disaster. [1]

This seems to be part of the human condition.  We see it all the time in government, business, and every other of our lives.  People are more interested in their own advancement than they are in what is right or true.

We even see it in religion.  In this blog and in my book, The Renovation of Our Soul, I document over 70 verses in the Bible which teach salvation is through means other than belief in Jesus and his death for our sins.  But the Christian community has, by in large, ignored those verses.  If they do, are they not ignoring the truth as expressed in the Bible?  Do they really what to know the truth of what the Bible teaches?


[1]   Johan Renck, Director.  Chernobyl.  With Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgård, and Emily Watson.  HBO Pictures, 2019.


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