An Annual Gathering

A couple of months ago, I wrote about AirVenture which is an annual gathering of pilots from all over the world.  At this  gathering, there are pilots who build their own aircraft, pilots who fly seaplanes, pilots who fly tail draggers, pilots who fly commercially, pilots who just fly for fun, military pilots, astronauts, pilots who fly biplanes, pilots who fly airplanes built decades ago, pilots who fly the latest and greatest, helicopter  pilots, pilots who fly ultralight aircraft, pilots who fly balloons, pilots who fly acrobatics in their planes, pilots who fly supersonic aircraft, pilots who compete to see who can land and take off in the shortest space, and pilots of a myriad of other aircraft.

All the pilots mentioned above meet at Oshkosh every year to celebrate flying.  While they might poke some light-hearted fun at aircraft that are different from what they are currently flying, the emphasis is on celebrating all forms of flying.  Some 600,000 flying enthusiasts attended this year.

So why are we Christians not the same?  Why do we Christians, Protestants, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and all the other Christian versions, not meet once a year to celebrate Jesus and the work he accomplished for us?  Instead we condemn our Christian brothers and sisters because we are convinced our doctrine is right and their doctrine is wrong.

So instead let us celebrate what we hold in common and not let the finer points of our theology separate us.


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