Christianity Unity

There seems to be a sentiment in some circles that most of the troubles of our world could be resolved if we would just we could all just agree.  Years ago The Moody Blues wrote and performed a song which stated:  “One day I hope we’ll be in perfect harmony, a planet with one mind.” [1]

It appears that Jesus was of the same mind in regards to the Christian community.  Jesus’ prayer to God was that Christians should be as one:  “that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”  (John 17:21-22 ESV)

Two of the greatest Christian evangelists of the past two centuries followed Jesus’ advice and put their focus on Jesus, ignoring all the other issues that so divide Christians.

Billy Graham and his team developed the Modesto Manifesto to keep their ministry above reproach and part of these guidelines was to encourage Christian unity and avoid divisiveness.  [2]

D. L. Moody stated that Christianity is not a belief in a creed but a person and that person is Jesus Christ. He believed a creed is like directions to take us to Christ but our goal is not the directions but Christ. He encouraged Christianity unity specifically between Protestants and Catholics.

If Jesus’ prayer is that those who believe in him should be as one, why is our community so fractious?


[1]   Mike Pinder, “My Song”, Every Good Boy Deserves Favor,  The Decca Record Co., Ltd., 1971.

[2]   Edward E. Plowman, “Billy Graham’s Legacy”, World Magazine, March 17, 2018, p. 42.

[3]   Kevin Belmonte. D. L. Moody.  Chicago:  Moody Publishers, 2014, p. 214.

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