
Steve Tobak is a businessman who writes a blog on business topics but occasionally addresses cultural issues.  In a recent posting he decries one behavior he sees in our society.

. . .people talk a good game but their actions tell a different story. . .of all the cultural trends that threaten the integrity of our society, the most insidious , I think, is all the talk about doing good, aiding causes, and changing the world, while our actions show the selfish greed and narcissism that’s in our hearts. [1]

Unfortunately, we Christians are part of this trend.  Our doctrine of salvation says all we need to do is to believe in Jesus and his death for our sins to be saved; all we need to do is say the right words.  Our doctrines say precious little about changing our soul so it becomes like God so we continue to exhibit “the selfish greed and narcissism that’s in our hearts”  We call ourselves Christians but are not Christ-like.

Will we continue to participate in this “culture of duplicity” that Tobak describes or will we follow the example of Jesus who did more than believe in God but who did God’s will?  Maybe a start is to rethink our doctrine of salvation.


[1]   Steve Tobak, “A Culture of Duplicity”, http://stevetobak.com, November 2, 2016.

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